The rise in temperature of human body is known as fever. There are many reasons for Fever such as stress, viral infection, cold and malaria etc. It is believed that fever is not any kind disease but its a body’s response towards possible threats which are present in our body. Fever is also a type of signal which represents that something wrong is going on in our body. However, if fever stays for 2-3 inspite of trying remedies then one should consult doctor immediately as it might be the case of malaria.

Below are some important usefule home remedies for fever which can provide quick relief :

* Whenever you need to drink water, add a pinch of salt to the glass of water and drink till your body temperature gets normal.

* In case of high temperatures, apply cloth piece soaked in mixture of water and salt on the forehead. This will avoid brain fever.

* Consumption of onion juice is believed to be the best treatement of fever.

* Add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder to 1 glass of milk and mix it gently. Drink it before going to bed, turmeric is very useful due to its antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Turmeric is also best for blood purification.

* Make mixture of mint juice with honey, take both in equal proportion. Consumption of this mixture after every two hours helps in getting quick relief from Pneumonia.

* In case of severe vomitting, consume 1 tablespoon mixture of salt, cumin and lemon juice. This will stop vomitting immediately.

* In case of fever due to cough, consumption of mixture of holy basil juice with honey is very effective. Holy basil is having many health qualities and is used in the form of herbal medicines for many diseases.

* Consumption of mixture of ginger juice, lemon juice, holy basil juice and honey is very effective for treatement of cough, fever and weakness.

* Prepare paste of 10gm holy basil juice with black pepper powder and 1/4 tablespoon of honey. Consumption of this paste twice a day helps in getting quick relief from typhoid fever.

If all above remedies doesn’t seems to be working in 2-3 days then consultation of doctor is highly recommended.


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